Al Obour
Location: In the city of El-Obour, located to the right of the Cairo-Bilbeis Desert Road and affiliated with the geography and administration of Qalyubia Governorate, one of the governorates of the Greater Cairo region.
Service zone: Serving the Eastern and Northern Zones of Cairo Governorate, in which all wastes collected are treated and the final reject is disposed of.
Team: bout 130 employees to provide 24/7 operation coverage.
- Approximately 4,000 tons of waste are received and treated on daily basis at the Material Recovery Facility to produce compost and refuse derived fuel (RDF). The project includes one Material Recovery Facility (MRF) and a landfill. Final reject (waste residue) is disposed of at the landfill. The MRF is equipped with treatment lines, where processes include manual sorting, screening and air separation.