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We design, build, operate and maintain

ECWM does not only provide high-quality plants but also offers all-around services to different requirements of different customers and municipalities. We can make specific business plans for them


ECWM employs a four-step process (sorting, separation, shredding and composting) that maximizes recovery with high finished compost quality and Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) that meet the industry needs.


We are motivated to devise and offer new, improved performance machines and to study alternative solutions in collaboration with our clients. Whatever your goals are, we provide you with the right and best solution.

ECWM provides a complete package for MSW treatment and disposal including design, build, operate and maintain services.ECWM develops a tailored solution for each project to meet the requirements of municipalities.


We design, build, operate and close sanitary landfills with the highest environmental protection including lining, a system for leachate collection and treatment and biogas collection.